Staff survey

Each year, every member of staff at Newcastle Hospitals is invited to take part in the NHS staff survey, the largest survey of staff opinion in the UK.

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The NHS Staff Survey is carried out annually across England to capture staff views of their experience at work and NHS services. 2021 marked a redesign of the survey and results are now aligned under the seven NHS People Promises, plus the themes of engagement and morale.

From feedback we know that our staff are very proud to work here and enjoy time spent working with their teams but there is still a lot of work to be done. The staff survey is your opportunity to tell us what matters to you, what we can do better and where we can improve.

The feedback you provide plays such an important part in informing our staff priorities in the What Matters to You programme and can help to make Newcastle Hospitals the best place to work.

We encourage all of our staff to complete the staff survey. You can help us to focus on the things which are important to you and help to inform positive changes for our future.

You can view last year’s results here: 2021 NHS Staff Survey Results – Flourish at Newcastle Hospitals (

Estates case study

The estates department has 276 teams spread across both the Freeman and RVI sites and feedback from the staff survey suggested that some staff felt ignored and that their views were not being heard in decision making and improvement actions.

In an effort to improve the experience of staff in the department, two working groups were established to enable staff to be more involved in making improvements within the department.

Genna Bully performance quality manager in the estates team was key to setting up the working groups and believes they have made real improvements within their department:

“Feedback from the staff survey has really changed how we work and engage with staff. We now have 27 members of staff involved in our working groups across the Trust and through this we’ve been able to capture 42 actions or feedback lines – all of which will help to improve the working environment for the whole department.

“We support staff to fill in the staff survey and through the working groups we make this a year round conversation, we highlight improvements made from survey feedback, make sure all onsite notice boards are updated with our action plan and last year’s results and have developed a quarterly newsletter to keep staff updated on progress.”