Project Choice

Project Choice is a supported internship programme for young adults with learning difficulties, disabilities or Autism (LDDA).

celebrating diversity logo

Project Choice aims to provide young adults with LDDA in our community an opportunity to become employment ready and secure employment.  

Introduced in 2012, the Trust’s Project Choice programme has won many awards and we are immensely proud that our programme is the best in the country for its overall rate of transition from internship to employment (71%). 

Providing tailored 1:1 support to individuals over an academic year. This intensive support enables participants to develop work skills and confidence enabling them to achieve their full potential in a workplace setting that suits individual learning styles and pace of learning.

How can you get involved?

Become a Mentor

Becoming a mentor is such a rewarding role which ensures our students are supported during their time with the Trust. If your interested in becoming a mentor for a Project Choice student and would like to know more, please contact Lorna Harasymiuk at [email protected]

Talk to us about offering a placement opportunity in your area

By supporting the project, you will make a difference and you’ll see it as the young person grows in confidence in the working environment. You’ll also be giving the student a greater chance of gaining employment and your team and department will benefit from a positive change in your working environment, with colleagues having a key role to play in shaping the future of this under-represented group

As a major anchor employer in the city, we are aware of our responsibility to contribute to our local community and to identify how to attract, recruit and retain people to work in the NHS.